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Showing posts from September 29, 2013

"Bikram" is slang for "Dear God make it stop"

So this actually happened back in March of 2012, but it recently popped up on Facebook and I got some super fun and positive feedback on it. My friend is insistent I share it with the [tiny*] masses, so I've tweaked it a bit and uploaded it here for your viewing pleasure (or disdain, if you're into that). Enjoy! :)  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hate a lot of things in the world… Things like tomatoes, terrorists, and the neverending Northern VA traffic. My newest nemesis in life? Bikram yoga. It’s not even that I  just hate  bikram yoga: my one night experiencing it was painful . I’m a firm believer that I should try something before I pass judgment. This is my saga. I’ll start at the beginning. First I had to swing by my local watering hole (the closest Sunoco) and buy 2 liters of water and get cash (the yoga place isn't into plastic and they advocate hydration). I walked in with my head dow...

Life, death, and the tacos inbetween

Oh friends! It's been faaaaar too long! Just over a month, ey? Let me fill you in with a smidge of what's been going on in the redhead's world.... 1. I GOT MARRIED!! I know, right?! How crazy!! For some suh-weeet pictures by my friend James, check out his blog here and here . Yep, that second post is all me. Weird. The self-conscious side of me is like "AAAHHHHHHH NO PICTURES OF JUST MEEE!", but the newer body positive side of me is all "HAY GIRRRRRL". Marriage is basically my favorite thing ever (I know, it's only been 2 weeks), and we are totally the gross newlyweds that are mushy gushy. No shame in our game. 2. My uncle sadly and unexpectedly passed away. =\ I know, right? Massive downer, especially considering it being 3 days before my wedding. It was basically a hellish time for my family, and there's sadly still a lot going on with this. =\ 3. We bought a house! Yep. We closed on the house September 10th, a whole 4 days before the...