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Showing posts from May 11, 2014


It stared at me. I stared at it. I reached into the freezer and held it in my hands: The remants of a pint of Wegman's brand Cherry-licious ice cream.  I stared at it. It stared at me. I caved. I completely, absolutely caved. The excuses came rolling into my brain: " We're going to be gone for a week!", "1/2 eaten ice cream in the freezer is gross- no one wants to see that", "It'll be bad by the time I can eat it!" . Now, in my defense, I'm quite certain it was about 1/4 of a cup- there really wasn't much in there. Roughly 140 calories and 14 grams of sugar. It's not great, but I feel like if I were going to fall into the sugary temptation, this wasn't the worst I could do. I've passed up sugary drinks, donuts, candy in multiple bowls at work, sundaes... All of it. So yeah, I ate a little bit of ice cream. Big deal. I'm not going to let this drag me down to where I was before again, and I'm still go...

Cupcakes and cookies and ice cream- OH MY!

7 days down, however many more to go! The last 7 days I've been detoxing from all the sugar/caffeine/processed goodness* in my body. We did inadvertantly eat sugar yesterday at Mimi's Cafe since we hadn't eaten lunch and they put a basket of bread in front of us. There were no survivors.  We were celebrating our fabulous mamas, and I won't even lie, I went to town on my dinner. But we didn't eat lunch, so I think it balanced out (it wasn't on purpose; we don't skip meals normally). The french fries on the menu were staring me down though, and my heart said "YES! GET IN MY MOUTH!", but my face said "nope. not happenin'." Know what happened because of decisions like that over the last 7 days? I lost 6 lbs. Boom.  I don't care how old I get, this will always be one of my favorite movies.  There's still a long, long, looooong way to go, but overall I'm feeling pretty good. It's weird, for a girl ...