So there are 2 big things on my mind these days: money. puppies. Haaa you thought I was going to say something about babies, didn't you? Not for awhile, my friends. So anyway. The Bearded Wonder has recently gotten himself a shiny new job, but prior to that we were saying "muchos gracias" to uncle Sam for unemployment benefits. Suffice to say, money has been a constant thought on our minds for 6-ish months. I started reading this blog, Budgets Are Sexy , and I have to tell you, it's cracking me up. It's real, practical advice, and the guy calls himself J Money. He basically teaches you how to make it rain by saving money and doing side hustles (see? I'm picking up his slang already. Holler. or something.) I've decided to pick up my own side hustle, and am in the process of getting a part-time gig with Lane Bryant . I love that store. They have fleece lined leggings for my booty, and super cute dresses that make me sashay like RuPaul. I won...
A fat kid trying to suck it up so she won't have to suck it in.