Good. Lord. Y'all. As you all know, the Bearded Wonder and I have been doing the 21 Day Fix (henceforth known as "The Fix"). It' a program that combines portion control, healthy eating habits, and working out. The working out part is no joke. It's only 30 minutes a day, but it's still 7 days of working out. They mix it up though, so you're not just doing pushups I'd probably stab my eyes out if that were the case. We do ours Monday-Sunday in this order: Total Body Cardio Fix Upper Fix Lower Fix Pilates Fix (HOLY CRAP DID YOU GUYS KNOW PILATES IS FREAKING HARD?!) Cardio Fix Dirty 30 Yoga Fix (HOLY CRAP DID YOU GUYS KNOW YOGA IS ALSO FREAKING HARD?!) There's also a 10 minute Abs Fix workout we can do to add on, or in lieu of one of the 30 minute workouts. The workouts are all hard, but they're... doable. This whole program is making me re-evaluate the way I do things. So for working out, generally they do a...
A fat kid trying to suck it up so she won't have to suck it in.