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Showing posts from December 1, 2013


OK I know I just posted, buuut I found this on Fitocracy and it's inspired me to do it. It's a squat challenge. Make that booty pop! Twerk* what your mama gave you! Shake it like a salt shaker! Other silly motivational sayings!! Join me? I've got 2 people who've already said they're going to do it. I'll be checking in on you all periodically, so don't think we're not watching. Pretty sure stalking wouldn't be illegal if they all looked like this... Now, since I just found it today, we're going to do day 1 Today, Wednesday the 4th . You can do this! Can you imagine how your toosh might look though after 31 days? I mean seriously. Leave a comment if you wanna join the booty revolution. ;)  <3 A Redhead *Note: If you don't know what "twerking" is… bless you. Don't google it, don't look up "Miley Cyrus twerk", don't ask someone to demonstrate. Just live in your bubble, and be thankful you...

The McRib is… Broke. Or maybe just sore.

So Hubbins and I have joined a gym near our house. I know I know … "It's a waste of money", "you have a free gym at work", "are you actually going to use it?!" blah blah blah. I know . And I don't care. Neener neener! Buuuut. 1) We got a stupid good deal on it and paid less than ½ of what we would have if the membership hadn't been through his job. 2) Paying for a year-long gym membership IS motivating, because I don't want to just watch our money disappear. 3) I honestly just hate going in the middle of the day at work. So anywho. The gym we joined is faaantastic. It's shiny and pretty and has a pool and it brings all the happies to the yard. Or beefcakes to the weight room. Or fatties to the lifting area (like me! =D ). As a pseudo-segue, have I told you guys how ridiculously skilled I am at hurting myself? No seriously. I managed to dislocate my knee in my sleep . In. My. Sleep . I truly am a master, and I don't ev...