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Showing posts from August 11, 2013


I didn't want to go to the gym today you guys. Not one bit. In fact, when walking out of my room this morning, I stared at my gym back for several seconds and finally resolved to bring it "just in case". I've been sleepy today and feeling super lazy. The wedding is in less than a month (!!!!!) and house stuff has amped up to cray-cray level. I e-mailed 2 of my gym buddies today (one of whom is also getting married next year), and they both had work stuff to do. "YESSS!!!!", I screamed in my head, "I DON'T HAVE TO GO NOW!!!". I confessed my lack of desire for gym time today, and naturally they responded exactly the opposite of how I wanted them to: "Get your butt down there." "You can do it! Just have a light day!" "Less than one month… do it!" "You'll hate us today, but thank us later!" Jerks. Where's the support for laziness, eh? ;-) I made the mistake of saying something to my ...


Hi everyone! I'm sorry there's been a lack of posting; the past week has been a whirlwind of the Sharknado variety. That's right, I just said that. Anywho. I didn't go to the gym a single day last week. I know, right? I was bummed out, but I literally had an appointment or something I had to do for house stuff every darn day of last week. I figured if I wasn't going to the gym, I should at least try to keep my eating under control, which try I did! I was craving chocolate the other night, so I bought a dark chocolate truffle bar from Trader Joe's. Mmmmm truffle-y….  Here's the thing about me and dark chocolate. I like it, it's good, but I don't love  it, so it's really easy for me to eat a tiny amount and feel satisfied. I think a serving is 4 sections and 180 calories. Weellll I eat 1 section and it's 45 calories. Holla!! But it's so  rich that I don't feel like I need or want anymore. It's a pretty good feeling. =) ...