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Showing posts from February 7, 2016

21 Day Fix: Round 2

So we finished our first round of 21 day fix! We decided to take a week off and then resume on Monday the 8th. Someone asked me why we decided to take a week off- why didn't we just keep doing it? Well, in short... I guess I wanted to see what would happen. Would I continue my fancy new healthy habits, or would I go back to huge spoonfuls of nutella and endless pieces of bread? (Shut up, this is a judgement-free zone!) The greatest gif of all time. Thanks Makeagif ! So how did we do? I'm sure you're all just dying to know. ;) Thanks Bookish ! Well, we did... Ok? It started out pretty good. We still had a lot of food prepped from the Fix so it made sense to just keep eating healthily. I tried a donut sample from Whole Foods (which means it was probably super  healthy), and I took 1 small bite and had to throw the rest out- it was just too sweet! I went out to dinner with a friend and we split a sandwich and the fries. It was just enough, I was really satisfie...