Have you heard of 21 Day Fix? I'm kind of the last to pay attention to things these days. Like ebates. Have you guys heard of or used ebates? Because seriously, it's awesome. Go sign up with my link . MAKE ME MORE MONEY. But I digress. I've heard of 21 Day Fix before through various friends but never really paid attention to it. My 29th birthday showed up this past November though, and I decided that I wanted to change up my body for my 30th birthday. To look like I'm wearing Spanx when I'm not, to be frank. Know what I'm sayin'? Naturally, I did nothing for a couple of months. Except talk about how I have "soooo much time!". January hit and I realized, "Crap. My 30th is THIS year. I should probably actually start doing something!" Here's the long and the short of it: 21 Day Fix takes a lot of effort, but I don't have to count calories. I. DON'T. HAVE TO. COUNT. CALORIES. There is still a lot of prep and e...
A fat kid trying to suck it up so she won't have to suck it in.