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25 Easy Steps to... Priming a Vanity.

There are 2 things I've been pretty consistent about the last few years: trying to lose weight/get fit, and decorating/redecorating my house. We redid our master bathroom, but haven't touched the vanity. We're currently redecorating the guest bathroom and I have decided that DARNIT. I'M REDOING THE VANITY. 

So off to Google I went. I didn't want to sand it. I wanted to prime and paint this puppy, then gloat forever. Several blogs recommended the primer below, swearing by it and promising beautiful results via their perfectly refinished furniture.

So I bought it. The ladies who's blogs I read all swore that I had to have a foam roller to use it. HAD TO. As in it would fail miserably if I used anything else. I found one at Michael's (exactly $4 more than their promised $.50, not that I'm mad... ahem.) and figured I was ready to conquer the world.

So behold! 25 easy steps to priming your bathroom vanity.

1. Start with way too much confidence since you've spent a ton of time on Pinterest and on the Google machine.
2. Load your foam roller with sticky primer and prepare to roll your way to greatness.
3. Start rolling only to drop the foam roller off the handle.
4. Curse as you get primer all over the floor & your hands.
5. Take a quick break to wash the primer off.
6. Realize quickly that water has no effect in washing off this primer.
7. Start squirting Dawn all over your hands and running them under scalding hot water. Spend too much time doing this.
8. 7 minutes of scrubbing later, go back upstairs. Realize you should be using a paint tray.
9. Traipse down 2 flights of stairs to garage and find paint tray.
10. Resume painting.
11. Repeats steps 3 & 4.
12. Realize that stupid foam roller has actually broken.
13. Continue to try to paint vanity even though foam roller literally falls off every 6 seconds.
14. Curse intermittently, as appropriate.
15. Drop foam roller onto foot.
16. Curse more.
17. Say "screw it" and switch to your favorite angled brush, just because it's close by.
18. Paint the rest of your vanity like a champ.
19. Realize you missed the bottom of the vanity.
20. Curse some more.
21. Stand back in the glow of your streaky but primed vanity.
22. Go to clean off favorite angled brush.
23. Realize quickly that Dawn be darned, your favorite angled brush is dead and will never be freed from its primer hell.
24. Drink a hard cider. You're a little older, a little wiser, and a lot sadder about your favorite paint brush.
25. Realize you have to actually paint the vanity later with paint. Get sad again.

Spoiler alert, the vanity turned out like this. Clear the above is a tried and true method.

A Redhead


  1. Somewhat funny and excellently expressed. The writer's honesty and diligence is commendable. The presentation doesn't falter either. All in all, its a great job and more people should give it a read.


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