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This post was initially written on March 29, 2021.  Going through infertility of any kind is so unbearably hard. I can't speak to everyone's experience, but as a couple who's had "unexplained infertility", it feels like perpetual waves of grief.  It feels like hopelessness. It feels like everyone's getting what you so desperately want while you sit there with empty arms. It feels like constant heartbreak seeing joyful posts of new pregnancies. It feels like isolation because you turn down invitations to showers and parties, for fear you won't be able to not  cry.  It feels like you're being punished because biologically nothing is wrong but you still don't have a baby. This has been our reality for the last 3 years and 7 months. Being open about our journey has been so rewarding but now it's taken the hard turn. I have to tell the sweet women I've been commiserating with that my turn is here. I'm pregnant.  Of course I know exactly what...