OK not really, I wouldn't be blogging if we lost our dog. I'd be sobbing into a pint of ice cream while laying on the floor gnashing my teeth. Isn't she cuuuuuuuuute?? What I meant to say was that we lost the WEIGHT of our dog between the 2 of us. I know, sneaky. That was mean. #yolonoregrets #Icantbelieveisaidyolo #iapologizeforsayingyolo Anyway. Today is "weigh-in Monday" a.k.a. "gird your loins and hope for the best Monday". Years of diets have made me fairly pessimistic with weigh-in days, so I always fear the worst when it comes time to step on the scale. Instead, I lost 2 lbs this week! Which brought my total weight loss up to 15.5!!! Thanks Mashable ! And xtina. ;) Even more impressive? My darling Bearded Wonder. Now, in case you weren't aware, men sneeze and lose 5 lbs. They blink rapidly and lose 8 lbs. It's just a cruel and scientific fact. Husband has lost 36 lbs. THIRTY. SIX. AS IN 4 LESS THAN 40. AND IS MORE THAN TWI...
A fat kid trying to suck it up so she won't have to suck it in.