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Showing posts from February 8, 2015

All of it burns. All of it.

Sooo for those of you who don't know, I went to the gym yesterday! Woohoo! And just to prove it wasn't all talk, here are some pictures to describe how I feel today: Yep. That's about where I am right now. It took a "little" longer than normal to sit on the commode this morning after I woke up, and I was cursing the day that we bought a townhome with 3 flights of stairs . I've started tracking my workouts on Fito again, and I have to say it's really satisfying to get points. I mean, it's not like the points mean anything, but it still brings some silly joy when a robot calculates your workout and then you're awarded points which eventually lead to you leveling up. Also as a point of accountability: behold my workout from yesterday! :) Ow. That lovely little workout earned me 246 points and some super sore muscles. I'm going to go back today because I know working out more will help, but ugghhh. Not really looking forward ...

Starting Over...

Today is the day. THE day. Today is the day I start going back to the gym. Uggghhhhhhhhh. I'm equal parts excited and paralyzed with fear. I'm not sure why- I used to go to the gym 4-6 times a week and go swing dancing and go on long walks with my dog. I used to be a very active person despite my badonkadonk. Maybe the key phrase is "used to be".  I meant to start yesterday, but I basically set myself up for failure and didn't have my gym bag or lunch packed the night before, and there's pretty much no hope of doing it in the morning. I don't know about you guys, but morning are just so  hard. So. Darn. Hard. I tried to find light and happy songs to use as alarms, but after awhile I start to dread them and want to throw my phone across the room. Basically my last few months has looked like this: Mornings? Nope.  Both please! Throw some carbs in there and I'm good to go! Angelika just gets me. Winter's always just ha...