I know it's been awhile, but here I am! I sort of broke up with the 21 Day Fix. In true Redhead fashion, I found ways to "cheat" while still staying on the plan. I hired a friend of mine who was sort of doing nutritional counseling. Basically I started tracking my food, eating super clean, focusing on the glycemic index, and on gut health. Combined with my efforts starting in January, I've now lost around 46 pounds. I know. I KNOW. I can't believe it. Until tonight when Timehop showed me a picture from 2 years ago, I didn't see the weight loss. I saw that my face looks thinner, but I didn't see everything else shrinking. I can't believe I'm about to put this on the Internet, buuuut here goes: I was determined to not be a "fat AND sad" person in my "before" pics. :) So here are some things I've learned while losing weight: 1. I physically take up less space. Sounds like a "duh" statement, ...
A fat kid trying to suck it up so she won't have to suck it in.