So there are 2 big things on my mind these days: money. puppies.
Haaa you thought I was going to say something about babies, didn't you?
So anyway. The Bearded Wonder has recently gotten himself a shiny new job, but prior to that we were saying "muchos gracias" to uncle Sam for unemployment benefits. Suffice to say, money has been a constant thought on our minds for 6-ish months. I started reading this blog, Budgets Are Sexy, and I have to tell you, it's cracking me up. It's real, practical advice, and the guy calls himself J Money. He basically teaches you how to make it rain by saving money and doing side hustles (see? I'm picking up his slang already. Holler. or something.)
I've decided to pick up my own side hustle, and am in the process of getting a part-time gig with Lane Bryant. I love that store. They have fleece lined leggings for my booty, and super cute dresses that make me sashay like RuPaul. I won't work too many hours, but it should be enough to reasonably update my wardrobe (you know, replacing the 6 year old pencil skirt that's stretched out and can't be worn in public anymore…), but then also use for actual fun money (like plane tickets for my cousin's super sweet wedding). That way we don't have to use our actual salaries for stuff like this, and I'll have fun doing it. I worked for them in college, and I've mastered the art of lovingly giving opinions to total strangers. Boom.
ALSO. I just lowered our cell phone bills. Woot wooooot! Prior to the super enthusiastic woman on Verizon live chat, we were paying $134. Post super enthusiastic woman on Verizon live chat, I scored and extra gb of data on my line (probably because they pity me with my poor broken phone), and $30 off our bill every month. It's still expensive for cell phones, but shoot- $30 month = $360 for the year. I'm not mad at it.
Next: puppies.
Please tell me you've all met Theo+Beau at some point in your internet travels. Put down your coffee, click that link, and then come back. Not a second sooner! They are quite possibly the cutest pair the world has ever seen. I can't count the amount of times I've seen that link float around on Facebook, or received emails including a picture and a comment to the effect of "D'aawww!"
I had the distinct pleasure of meeting my friend's puppies a whole 3 days after she got them. They were tiny, tiny little things, and I actually picked one up in each hand, and jokingly rubbed them on my face. Kinda weird, but I have no regrets. Plus the pictures are hilarious (and on my husband's phone so you can't see them. =P ) Just to be snuggled up with puppies? Ugh, this kid is basically living my dream. Every. Day.
So all this to say: Jessica Shyba, creator of that cute little boy and rescuer of that cute little pup, is coming out with a book. A book that's SO cute, the world just may explode and flowers may rain down in all war-affected areas of this world. It's coming out February 3rd, and I'm going to pre-order it so fast, Amazon won't know what hit 'em.
Check it out here, because really it's the perfect gift for anyone who loves babies, puppies, unspeakable joy, and world peace (re: flowers). Or if you think someone is really cranky, send 'em a copy and it should melt the cockles of their heart quite nicely, and then you'll have a new friend. You're welcome, world.
A Redhead
Haaa you thought I was going to say something about babies, didn't you?
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Not for awhile, my friends. |
I've decided to pick up my own side hustle, and am in the process of getting a part-time gig with Lane Bryant. I love that store. They have fleece lined leggings for my booty, and super cute dresses that make me sashay like RuPaul. I won't work too many hours, but it should be enough to reasonably update my wardrobe (you know, replacing the 6 year old pencil skirt that's stretched out and can't be worn in public anymore…), but then also use for actual fun money (like plane tickets for my cousin's super sweet wedding). That way we don't have to use our actual salaries for stuff like this, and I'll have fun doing it. I worked for them in college, and I've mastered the art of lovingly giving opinions to total strangers. Boom.
ALSO. I just lowered our cell phone bills. Woot wooooot! Prior to the super enthusiastic woman on Verizon live chat, we were paying $134. Post super enthusiastic woman on Verizon live chat, I scored and extra gb of data on my line (probably because they pity me with my poor broken phone), and $30 off our bill every month. It's still expensive for cell phones, but shoot- $30 month = $360 for the year. I'm not mad at it.
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I never could eat Chiclets again after this movie... |
Please tell me you've all met Theo+Beau at some point in your internet travels. Put down your coffee, click that link, and then come back. Not a second sooner! They are quite possibly the cutest pair the world has ever seen. I can't count the amount of times I've seen that link float around on Facebook, or received emails including a picture and a comment to the effect of "D'aawww!"
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If this doesn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, then you need to go to church. |
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My feels! My feels!! |
Check it out here, because really it's the perfect gift for anyone who loves babies, puppies, unspeakable joy, and world peace (re: flowers). Or if you think someone is really cranky, send 'em a copy and it should melt the cockles of their heart quite nicely, and then you'll have a new friend. You're welcome, world.
A Redhead
Ya want em? Little demons... lucky lucky lucky they're so stinkin cute.