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Gym time is fun time

OK, not literally "fun". I was grimacing and sweating and turning red and all those other things turn humans away from me. But it's OK! My arms are sore, and you know what?

I'm seeing progress.

Fito helps me to track my workouts in a super easy, clean, convenient format. It also [to the right] tracks the history and the PRs (Personal Records) for each workout.

I've increased my lat pulldowns by 20 lbs in 8 days. 

This is amazing to me. I started out doing 30 lbs with these and have now doubled that in less than a month. I started out with 50 lbs today and moved up to 60 for my second rep because it just felt too easy before. I made sure not to strain myself, but I need to challenge myself to be better with this stuff. So, maybe the weight has doubled even closer to 2 weeks. I've even gained 3 lbs, but I've still lost almost 6 inches in the last month.

I can't even believe the change that's happening. A colleague of mine saw me the other day and said "Well! There's a whole lot less of you walking around!". Upon seeing my confused face, she said that she can tell I'm losing weight. Hooray!

5.5 inches isn't a ton, but it's a start. Everyone has to start somewhere. I'm super excited that I've begun this journey, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the amount of support and encouragement I've received in the last 30 days. It's definitely beyond anything I've ever expected. =)

How was your workout, friends? Do anything different today? Break any personal bests?

A Redhead


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