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Today is a day

Buenos dias mis amigos!

I don't speak Spanish, so feel free to not correct my grammar. I took 5 years of French, and ou est-il maintenant*? (sigh)

Dear sweet mercy I'm behind in my posting! I know you're all sitting there, poised at your keyboards, begging for an update. I think I hit this euphoric high after my Super Emotional post, and then didn't really know where to go from there.

Let's start here:

I do not want to go to the gym today. I went yesterday, and started phase 2 of NROLFW, and Lord Almighty I am sore. Sore sore sooorreeee!! Behold a peak into my internal struggle:

"Just go! You know you need to!"
"But…" <whine>
"Woman!! MOVE. YOUR. BUTT."
"REDHEAD. GET. YOUR. BUTT. GOING. TO. THE. GYM. If you don't go today, you most certainly won't tomorrow!!"
"Eehhhhhhhh noooooo… I'll be motivated tomorrow! I'll get more sleep. I'll be less sore, and then I can get sore again! Huzzah!"
"No! You'll be soreR tomorrow since you won't workout today, and then you're not going to the gym this weekend. In fact, there's cake coming up this weekend. Remember?"
"Mmmmmm caaaaaaa-"
"<internally slaps self> FOCUS. GYM. GO."

This is me. If I were a gorgeous male celebrity.
Welcome to my world. See my struggle?

So anywho. I'll update you on my gym attendance later. Pinky promise. I will say, my eating hasn't been terrible as of late which is nice. I have eaten a bit more bread in the past week or so than I have in awhile, but I've lost 3 pounds soooo we'll call it a win still?

My friend and I were joking that toast is like the gateway drug to harder stuff like sandwiches and deep dish pizza. I love toast. So much. Toooaasst.

Sorry. It's close to noon and I am hungry! I did just eat a banana to quell the hungry monster within, so that should help. Hopefully. But I've been really, really good at keeping my portions low and not snacking as much. Or if I do it tends to be fruit or a handful of trail mix. I'm pretty pleased with the changes. =)

OH! I keep meaning to tell you guys! I have a new love. They're one step below my love for the Bearded Wonder.

I borrowed this from here:
They're super lean turkey burgers. They're not spectacular on their own, buuuut I've gotten creative with things to put on them. My favorites so far are:

  • Salsa & guacamole or fresh avocado
  • Monterey Jack cheese & ketchup a la beef burger style
  • Trader Joe's marinara sauce & shredded LF mozzarella cheese <~ Ermagherd. Be still my beating heart. 

They were pretty cheap for a package of 12, they only take ~6-7 minutes in the frying pan with a drop of olive oil, and darnit you can do anything to them. So when I have nothing else to eat or don't really feel like cooking? Turkey burger. Boom. I don't eat them with a bun, just a fork and knife. And a massive pile of steamed broccoli with salt and pepper. Good dinner. Happy dinner. Full Redhead.

What's your favorite go-to meal??

A Redhead

Go here. I have something to tell you.

*Note: OK FINE STOP JUDGING ME I GOOGLED IT. I couldn't remember the grammar. It means "where is it now?".


  1. I've been running pretty consistently for 5 years and I still often have days where I don't want to run. If I skip it, then I'm mad at myself later. So I've (mostly)trained the voice in my head to say "you know you will be proud of yourself if you do it. Would you rather be proud or disappointed in yourself?" Then I will allow myself to just do a short run; after all any movement is still movement forward. Usually once I start to run, I will run the full distance that I originally planned. The first step is always the hardest. Tell yourself that you will go to the gym. Once you get there you know you will be glad you did.

    Just last week I started strength training again. I've always been inconsistent with it because I don't enjoy it (I'm a cardio bunny). I'll lift weights today if you do:)

    1. Anita I was weak! Weak!!

      Tomorrow I'll lift heavy things though, I swear it. I do think I'm going to do some bodyweight exercises tonight to try to balance out not going to the gym. I got some great tips from a friend of mine that I'm going to try out at home. =)


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