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I was trying to think of a witty title for this post, and I bounced between spoofing Strong Bad....

(I probably would've gone with "The New Year, The New Year, what what The New Year")

Or rephrasing Salt 'N Pepa.

"What a year what a year what a year what a mighty good year"

I'm such a 90's kid, I can't even function.

It's New Year's Eve, friends! How do you feel about your year? Did you forget all of your resolutions from last year? Are you a miracle worker who managed to accomplish any/all of them? Personally, I've held the same resolution every year since college:

Don't make resolutions. 

Boom. Done. I'm pretty awesome at not making resolutions.

They're so stressful! Why do we do this to ourselves?! "I have to lose 50 lbs this year!" "I have to read 20 new books this year!" "I have to travel to 3 different countries!".

You know what? Life happens. And it's not because you set "resolutions" for yourself on December 31st the last year. I love to read, but with wedding planning and house buying, there was no way I could pick up a spare book this year. I don't think I've read for fun in months. I did get to go to 1 country, but it was Mexico which is like America's next door neighbor (no disrespect meant in any way; Te quiero, Mexico).

I didn't lose 50 lbs, but I lost 17 inches. I learned this year that measuring will always and forever be a better way to measure my size.

I also learned this year though, that my size is not indicative of my worth. 

My worth comes from me. It comes from who I am. It comes from me being a good person, loving God, loving other people. My beauty has nothing to do with my pants size (which is a whole other issue: vanity sizing. ridiculous.), and everything to do with my confidence.

So this year, don't set resolutions. You'll feel a lot less stressed. Don't get me wrong, set some goals. But don't feel like a failure if you don't accomplish them in 2014. I have a goal of going to Europe, but it may not happen in 2014. I have goals of paying off all of our debt, and we paid off 2 credit cards this year. It's all about progress. =)

Any goals for your life, friends? Travel? Babies? Money-making schemes? ;) 

A Redhead

Here's the quick rundown of the craziness that was 2013:

+ Dream realized of seeing Five Iron Frenzy. YESSS!!
+ Dream realized of seeing Backstreet Boys live. Don't judge me. They were spectacular.
+ Bought. A. Freaking. House.
+ Got some serious height at a trampoline place for my birthday
+ Went to Mount Vernon for the first time since I was a kid (it was a faboo double date!).
+ Celebrated our first Christmas as husband and wife.
+ Went on a dinner cruise on the Potomac for our anniversary
+ Traveled the lands to upstate New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Maryland.
+ Went to 3 weddings in 1 month, including being a bridesmaid in 1.
+ Flew first class for the first time ever (it was just a short ~1 hour long flight to Miami. Totally worth it.)
+ Started dabbling in Filipino cooking
+ Hung out in Mexico for week
+ Swam in underground rivers
+ Hugged a dolphin
+ Was later peed on by said dolphin
+ Paid off 2 credit cards
+ Attended yet another annual pillow fight in DC
+ Flew a kite like a boss on the national mall
+ Saw friends out of state that I don't get to see normally
+ Got into weightlifting and lost 17 inches off this beast.
+ Join Gold's Gym. Oddly enough, love it.
+ Started this blog which has been a weird and amazing adventure so far. =)

2014, you have a lot to live up to.


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