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True Confession Tuesday

Let me start by saying that I feel like overall, I have a pretty diverse taste in music. I used to crank the classical to do my homework, I've seen ACDC in concert (still one of the greatest nights of my life), I can throw down in a 90's music sing-off, buuuut what you may not know….

I really. Really. Really like rap music.

I mean to the point where I've made it a goal to memorize Eminem's lyrics from songs that are suitable for radio play.

So when my husband texted me from our living room to say "Missy Elliot's on!" during half-time*, I threw a sweatshirt on and hustled down to see The Queen doing her thing. Too bad by the time I got downstairs I missed it and Katy Perry was back to, well, being Katy Perry.

Is that a… shark…??
I ended up watching the full half-time show, and I swear when I heard the opening beat of "Get ya freak on", my little heart soared and I smiled like someone handed me a big ole' cookie (I like cookies. Shut up.)

I may have been in an office chair, so I had to do subtle chair wiggles. But inside?

I was hoping black lipliner would materialize on my lips at any moment...
It's not just Missy- I love Eve, had a crush on Ja Rule in high school (even with the tiny 'stache!), rapped along in the car with Eminem, and watched DMX rap at the top of a skyscraper.

It doesn't matter that I can do The Carlton with the best of them or that I've seen NSYNC & BSB in concert.

I just wanted you all to know that I really freaking love rap/hip-hop/r&b and kind of have a vocal crush on Usher** (whaaaat?).

On a completely different note: I'm still trying to do the FABulous February workout. I missed it yesterday, but the way it's laid out I can do day 2 today, then day 3 tomorrow, and it'll catch right up. Beardy is doing it with me, which is nice for the support, but I kept yelling "DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!" as I fumbled through mountain climbers.

I don't care what our vows said, this wasn't going to be pretty...
Anyone else have a confession they wanna share?? You can post anonymously! :) 

A Redhead

*Note: I don't do football so I was in our bedroom waxing nostalgia watching 101 Dalmatians. :) 
**Note pt. 2: Ok but seriously, who doesn't?? Does anyone make a better slow jam?


  1. Move, b****, get out'the way!

    1. This still may be one of my favorite moments with you. :D

  2. ya 'ole man say you stupid.
    I be like "so?"
    "I love my baby mama,
    I never letta go!"


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